пятница, 2 апреля 2010 г.

Hidden effects

Хмм нашел кое какие скрытые параметры в игре которые можно открыть только если скомбинировать специальную экипировку...то есть надеть и вы получите скрытый эффект. Некоторые эффекты даже очень!

Worth Your Time

Ultimate Physic / Ethereal Mantle
Description: This keeps the character from taking ANY physical damage. Sounds awesome right? Well there is a drawback. That character can no longer be healed by magic. Only items and TP can heal the character using this Synthesis Ability. This is one of the abilities that only Fang and Hope are able to use.
Weapons: Simurgh, Tezcatlipoca, Dragoon Lance, Dragonhorn
Accessories: Kaiser Knuckles
Levels: There is only one level of this SA. In order to activate it you must equip four Kaiser Knuckles and one of the weapons above.

Boost / ATB Rate Increase
Description: Likely the best SA in the game (IMHO) this ability increases the speed at which your ATB fills. And yes, it will stack with Haste!
Weapons: Axis Blade, Enkindler, Antares Deluxes, Fomalhaut Elites, Otshirvani, Urubutsin
Accessories: Hermes Sandals, Sprint Shoes, Whistlewind Scarf, Aurora Scar, Nimbletoe Boots
Levels: Level 1 = ATB Rate +10% / Level 2 = ATB Rate +15% / Level 3 = ATB Rate +20% / Level 4 = ATB Rate +30%

Gestalt / Instant Chain / TP Boost
Description: The first two levels of this SA grant the character a small chance to completely fill their target’s chain gauge! The chance may be small, but the rewards are great. The third and fourth level of this SA allows for quicker charging of the TP and Gestalt gauge.
Weapons: Hauteclaire, Durandal, Lionheart, Ultima Weapon, Rigels, Polaris Specials, Procyons, Betelgeuse Customs, Unsetting Sun, Midnight Sun, Alicanto, Caladruis, Heavenly Axis, Abraxas, Taming Pole, Venus Gospel
Accessories: Survivalist Catalog, Hunter’s Friend, Speed Sash, Entergy Sash, Champion’s Badge
Levels: See Description

Positive Effect / Buff Duration
Description: Extends the duration of positive buffs (status effects)
Weapons: Spica Defenders, Sirius Sidearms, Vidofnir, Hresvelgr, Belladonna Wand, Malboro Wand, Pandoran Spear, Calamity Spear, Gae Bolg, Gungnir
Accessories: Watchman’s Amulet, Shrouding Talisman
Levels: Level 1 = +30% Buff Duration / Level 2 = +50% Buff Duration / Level 3 = +70% Buff Duration / Level 4 = +90% Buff Duration

Adamancy / Vampiric Strike
Description: The character equipped with this SA will absorb 1% of damage done as HP
Weapons: Organyx, Apocalypse, Aldebarans, Sadalmeliks, Tigerclaw, Wyrmfang
Accessories: Cherub’s Crown, Seraph’s Crown, Zealot’s Amulet, Battle Talisman
Levels: This ability does not activate until four items have been equipped. Equipping a fifth does not alter the effect.
Ultimate Magic
Description: This ability is the same as Ultimate Physic / Ethereal Mantle but pertaining to magic damage rather than physical damage.
Weapons: Feymark, Soul Blazer, Shamanic Spear, Heretic’s Halberd
Accessories: Magistral Crest
Levels: There is only one level of this SA. In order to activate it you must equip four Magistral Crests and one of the weapons above.

Not Worth Your Time

High HP: Power Surge
Description: Allows the character to deal more damage as long as their health remains over 90%.
Weapons: Paladin, Winged Saint, Healer’s Staff, Physician’s Staff
Accessories: Mythril Bangle, Iron Bangle
Levels: All levels are the same. No increased effect for more items.

Low HP: Power Surge
Description: Allows the character to deal more damage when HP is under 10%.
Weapons: Lifesaber, Peacemaker, Rebel Heart, Warrior’s Emblem, Airwing, Skycutter, Mistilteinn, Erinye’s Cane
Accessories: Tungsten Bangle
Levels: All Levels are the same. No increased effect for more items.
Physical Defense / Physical Wall
Description: Guards against the first few points of physical damage dealt from enemies. Since for the majority of the game your characters have health in the thousands, this ability is really not worth your time.
Weapons: Blazefire Saber, Flamberge Gladius, Helter-skelter, Wild Bear, Feral Pride, Power Circle, Battle Standard, Ninurta, Jatayu, Binding Rod, Hunter’s Rod, Bladed Lance, Glaive
Accessories: Silver Bangle, Platinum Bangle, Power Wristband, Browler’s Wristband, Warrior’s Wristband, Power Glove, Black Belt, General’s Belt, Champion’s Belt, Guardian Amulet, Shield Talisman, Hero’s Amulet, Morale Talisman
Levels: Level 1 = 5 points blocked / Level 2 = 10 Points Blocked / Level 3 = 20 Points Blocked / Level 4 = 30 points blocked

Magic Defense / Magical Wall
Description: The exact same thing as Physical Defense / Physcal Wall, but with Magic damage.
Weapons: Edged Carbine, Razor Carbine, Altairs, Vega 42s, Deneb Duellers, Canopus AMPs, Umbra, Solaris, hawkeye, Eagletalon, Pearlwing Staff, Brightwing Staff, Rod of Thorns, Orochi Rod, Partisan, Rhomphaia, Punisher, Banescissor Spear.
Accessories: Gold Bangle, Diamond Bangle, Magician’s Mark, Shaman’s Mark, Sorcerer’s Mark, Weirding Glyph, Rune Bracelet, Witche’s Bracelet, Magus’s Bracelet, Aric Amulet, Soulfont Talisman, Saint’s Amulet, Blessed Talisman
Levels: Level 1 = 5 points blocked / Level 2 = 10 Points Blocked / Level 3 = 20 Points Blocked / Level 4 = 30 points blocked

Damage Reduction / Damage Wall
Description: Basically Magic Defense/Magical Wall and Physical Defense/Physical Wall put together. That being said, this ability is still largely ineffective.
Weapons: Pleiades Hi-Powers, Hyades Magnums, Sacrificial Circle, Indomitus, Malphas, Naberius.
Accessories: Titanium Bangle, Adamant Bangle
Levels: Level 1 = 5 points blocked / Level 2 = 10 Points Blocked / Level 3 = 20 Points Blocked / Level 4 = 30 points blocked

Fire Resistance / Fire Damage
Description: Increases the damage done with the Fire element.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Ember Ring, Blaze Ring, Salamandrine Ring, Flamebane Brooch, Flameshield Earring, Fire Charm
Levels: Level 1= +20% / Level 2 = +30% / Level 3 = +50%

Ice Resistance / Ice Damage
Description: Increases the damage done with the ice element.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Frost Ring, Icicle Ring, Boreal, Ring, Frostbane Brooch, Frostshield Earring, Ice Charm
Levels: Level 1= +20% / Level 2 = +30% / Level 3 = +50%

Lightning Resistance / Lightning Damage
Description: Increases the damage done with the lightning element.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Spark Ring, Fulmen ring, Raijin Ring, Sparkbane Brooch, Sparkshield Earring, Lightning Charm
Levels: Level 1= +20% / Level 2 = +30% / Level 3 = +50%

Water Resistance / Water Damage
Description: Increases the damage done with the water element.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Aqua Ring, Riptide Ring, Nereid Ring, Aquabane Brooch, Aquashield Earring, Water Charm
Levels: Level 1= +20% / Level 2 = +30% / Level 3 = +50%

Wind Resistance / Wind Damage
Description: Increases the damage done with the wind element.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Zephyr Ring, Gale Ring, Sylphid Ring, Wind Charm
Levels: Level 1= +20% / Level 2 = +30% / Level 3 = +50%

Earth Resistance / Earth Damage
Description: Increases the damage done with the earth element.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Clay Ring, Siltstone Ring, Gaian Ring, Earth Charm
Levels: Level 1= +20% / Level 2 = +30% / Level 3 = +50%

Debrave Resistance / Debrave Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Debrave” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Giant’s Glove, Warlord’s Glove
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%

Defaith Resistance / Defaith Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Defaith” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Glass Buckle, Tektite Buckle
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Deprotect Resistance / Deprotect Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Deprotect” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Metal Armband, Ceramic Armband
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Deshell Resistance / Deshell Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Deshell” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Serenity Sachet, Safeguard Sachet
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Slow Resistance / Slow Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Slow” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Glass Orb, Dragonfly Orb
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Poison Resistance / Poison Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Poison” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Star Pendant, Starfall Pendant
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Imperil Resistance / Imperil Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Imperil” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Pearl Necklace, Gemstone Necklace
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Curse Resistance / Curse Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Curse” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Warding Talisman, Hexbane Talisman
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Pain Resistance / Pain Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Pain” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Pain Dampener, Pain Deflector
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Fog Resistance / Fog Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Fog” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: White Cape, Effulgent Cape
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%
Daze Resistance / Daze Duration
Description: Decreases the durations of the “Daze” status effect.
Weapons: none
Accessories: Rainbow Anklet, Moonbow Anklet
Levels: Level 1= -20% / Level 2 = -40% / Level 3 = -60%

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